Friday, February 20, 2009

My V-day disaster...

Sooo.. valentines day was a bit of a bust this year. It started out okay but didn't end so well. Rodger had to work that morning so it was me and the kiddos until he got home. We piled in the car to go to Hardees to get some breakfast and when I got home there was a box from on the front porch! I got some beautiful flowers from Rodger. Very nice surprise!

So by the time he got home from work it was about supper time so we started talking about what we wanted to do for supper. We couldn't decide on anything so we just thought we would go to the grocery store until we saw something that looked good. So all of us went to the store and just walked up and down the aisles grabbing whatever junk food we wanted.. you know, all the good stuff like cheese dip, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate covered strawberries, potato skins, crab cakes pinwheel rolls, mozerella sticks.. oh and DIET Dr. Pepper haha.. all that good ol junk food! So after our purchase we headed back home, fed the kids, got them in bed and we settled in with our snacks and decided to rent a movie from pay per view.. I know you guys are probably reading this wondering why I said the day was a bust.. well this is where everything went wrong. We ordered The Mummy, the new one we haven't seen yet. We were excited cause it was just the two of us and we had wanted to see that movie for a while now. We didn't even get 10 minutes into the movie when... our CABLE went out!! I was so disappointed. After being on hold with the cable people for over 30 minutes just for them to tell me that there was nothing they could do for us and we would just have to wait it out, we just decided to listen to music and play cards for a little while and watched a old movie on DVD and both passed out on the couch!!

Over all I know the night could have been a lot worse, but it was just a bummer that we didn't get any good quality time. We need a date night ASAP!

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