Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I highly recommend this..

After months of talking and saying we're going to do this, Rodger and I finally got the nerve up to cut up ALL of our credit cards. It was a little tough for me at first but when it was all over and done I felt a sense of liberation. We're free from the plastic!

Yes that is me cutting up my beloved Victorias Secret card =( That was the tough one. It had to go though and I understood that I needed to part with it. We were toxic friends.

This is the final aftermath! Thats all of them! No more easy spending for us. Hopefully we'll be debt free in no time.

And after I cut them all up Rodger went through and double cut them! haha I guess he wanted to make sure they were all done for! Seriously though, it does feel good that they're gone and now when we pay them off it will be impossible to run the balance up again. I would highly recommend that everyone do the same. Those dang things will get you in trouble if your not careful.

We also had some free time this weekend to watch some new movies. Well they're not technically "new" but they're new to us. They are some good ones too so I'm gonna recommend that yall check them out...

Max Payne-- With Marky Mark. It kinda reminds me of "The Punisher" (which is a really awesome movie for those who haven't seen it) Max Payne is just way cooler. I really liked it, excellent flick.
And The Incredible Hulk--and when I say "The Hulk" I'm talking about the one with Edward Norton and Liv Tyler. I haven't seen the other one but I heard it sucked big time which is why I really didn't want to watch this one at all but I was pleasently surprised. Much better than I expected. And this animated version of the Hulk is sooooo cute!! I know, I'm such a loser! I couldn't find a picture of him when he's not bulging mad but he really is cute! haha


  1. Cut the cards day was sad for me too :( The bad thing is we had memorized most of the numbers! Congrats though...being debt free will be so NICE!

  2. So yeh, my parents did the exact same thing with all their credit cards! They had tons of those suckers man! But, I think in the long run it's best for us all to not have those little evil things. :)
